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About Us

Connecting Exceptional Vending Companies With Ideal Clients



Our mission is simple – build the one and only first-class news media and publishing brand to help clients find and select the most trusted vending companies who can deliver exceptional service, better selection and outstanding workplace refreshment solutions.

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Educate And Empower

In order to educate clients and empower them to make informed decisions, we publish, print and distribute innovative hardcover books, paperback books, bookazines (part book/part magazine), ebooks and digital content to nearly 40,000 retailers around the world for massive online discoverability.

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Independent Journalists And Publishers

We do not accept advertising or sponsored content from vending companies.

Creativity, Integrity and Trust.

These three words drive our content creation, culture and publishing mission each and every day.

Discover Our Exclusivity

Our Publishing Process Includes:

Researching, Interviewing, Writing, Editing, Designing, Formatting, Printing, Promoting, Marketing and Distributing books via Amazon, Google and Barnes & Noble.

We design media solutions that engage audiences so they take action.

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Is This You?
Is This You?
After interviewing vending companies across the country, we publish profiles of only the Most Trusted Vending Companies in each state.

Out of all the vending companies interviewed, each year we select those who we believe are the 100 Most Trusted Vending Companies™ in America.

To rank the Most Trusted Vending Companies in America, we conduct deep research which includes off the record interviews as well as analysis of online reviews, websites, social media and customer feedback.

Would we want these vending companies servicing our location? Do they instill confidence and project leadership? Are they trustworthy? Or are they arrogant, egotistical or rude?

What makes these vending companies so special? Why do they do what they do for a living? What makes them tick? What is their track record? What is their approach to client service and communication? What is their definition of success for a particular client scenario?

Once selected for the cover of one of our books, each vending company will be awarded elite status and of course bragging rights…that will make your competitors green with envy.

How To Write Good :-)
How To Write Good :-)
It’s simple but ain’t easy.

First, your target audience is prospective clients…not other vending companies. Write for the people who are the decision makers…office managers, facilities managers, procurement directors, CEOs, COOs and CFOs.

Remember, you are not your client.

Next, it’s all about connection.

Connecting is all about “reading” your prospect, walking a mile in his shoes, understanding his needs and fears as well as the nightmares that keep him awake at night.

Let’s determine the actual conversation going on inside your prospective client’s mind so you can feed their true desires.

Understanding those conversations bouncing around their brains will help forge an emotional bond between you and them.

You need to find the shortest and most urgent path into the passionate sweet spot of the reader.

After reading your copy, you want them to say: “This vending company gets me!”

Words That Sell
Words That Sell
Once you lock yourself in a room and stare down a blank sheet of paper, it’s time to write.

Write copy that jumps out and grabs your prospective clients by the throat.

Write compelling copy that demands to be read. Demands it.

Give them an itch that can only be scratched by hiring you and your vending company.

One of the secrets to selling your vending company to new clients is to create trust, weave a captivating story, justify the investment and help fulfill a burning need in your prospect.

Your reader, the prospective client, doesn’t WANT what you’re “selling”…she or he NEEDS it. Urgently. They can’t wait to hire you.

The only “jury” that counts when you’re writing your copy is your cash register. You can make an English teacher swoon with admiration…but if your copy doesn’t bring in the big clients and the moolah, it ain’t worth squat.

To us, this is not hard, horrible work akin to digging ditches or cleaning blocked sewage pipes. It can be an exhausting process, but you’re after a goal…and that goal is reachable.

And, while yes, it may take several rewrites to get it right, it still is primarily a Simple Process…once you obtain the shortcuts and inside secrets you will not discover casually on your own.

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