How To Tell Your “Hero Story” For Vending Companies
According to The Wall Street Journal on February 15, 2013:
“Nike’s $2.7 billion annual marketing budget carries massive cultural influence. It’s endorsement commitments are worth nearly $4 billion, or about 15% of annual revenues of $24 billion. The thing about Nike that rarely gets acknowledged is that it doesn’t sell shoes, or even athletes, as much as it buys and sells stories, narratives and fairy tales. They aren’t a shoe company as much as a giant abstraction – a condition of the aspirational mind.”
Every vending company CEO or founder has a story of hope, inspiration, motivation and transformation deep down inside of them.

How to tell your personal Hero Story…
Researcher Uri Hasson, a Psychology Professor at Princeton University and the Princeton Neuroscience Institute, revealed what happens when people hear a story.
The language center of their brain is stimulated as well as the other parts of the brain that would light up if the person were actually experiencing the event.
According to Professor Hasson, a story is the only way to activate parts in the brain so that a listener turns the story into his own idea and experience.
Everyday, we help leaders create their own Hero Story to attract prospects and motivate them to become clients.
We show vending company CEOs step-by-step how to create and deliver your own aspirational storytelling narratives so you can convert more prospects into clients faster.
First, you must determine your WHY as well as your WHAT.
You already know what your area of expertise is and what it is you do.
Understanding why you do what you do is the key distinction that will help you position yourself.
Why the WHY? The reason you need to know more than just what you do is because in reality, WHAT you do only matters to a few.
The WHY behind your expertise, your company and your book is what makes them personal.
Understand the driving force behind why you help clients, why you feed people and why people need to get the workplace refreshment solutions you can provide them.
So with that said…
WHAT do you do and WHY do you do it?
Think about it and write it down.
The key is to form a story around your background, your expertise and your vision because in our society, people love, identify with and learn best through powerful narratives.
A narrative is simply a story…really it’s the the art of telling a great story.
All celebrities, artists, athletes and heroes have a specific narrative that we associate with them.
Every one of them has gone through something significant to get to where they are today.
Those often humble beginnings are what humanizes them and allows their audiences to connect with them.
We are sure you have a great narrative associated with yourself and your vending company.
It’s just a matter of tapping into it.
So brainstorm your personal Hero narrative and write it down.
The ultimate purpose of crafting your narrative is to help your audience identify with you and understand what you stand for.
You may offer the same food and drink solutions that many other vending companies do in your area, but if you have a unique story that allows people to get to know you, they will begin to like and trust you.
This creates an emotional connection and instantly differentiates you from other vending machine companies in your market.
Let’s go one step farther…
While you may have elements of your life and story that are entirely unique, it is important to become aware of the parts of your story that are like those of your target audience.
What will help them identify with you? What makes you like them?
It’s simple…
If you find those common story elements, your audience will like you because you are just like them…or just like their son or daughter…or just like their father or mother…or brother or sister…
If you build in honest aspects that make you trustworthy, they will TRUST you.
Forming trust is the crucial first step that people need to take in order to embark on a vending journey with you.
So as a recap, think about this…
- What’s your story?
- How did you get to where you are today?
- What part of your story is like your target audience?
- In other words, what parts of your story can your audience identify with?
- What part of your story makes you trustworthy to your audience?
One more thing about your Hero Story…do you have a USP?
First, what is a USP exactly?
Next, how do I create a USP for me and my company?
Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP) is what differentiates you from everybody else in your market.
The best way to identify your USP is to use the following simple formula:
I help X get Y even if Z.
For example, “I help my clients get customized refreshment solutions at work so your employees can eat, drink and snack conveniently even if they hate the thought of hiring another vending company.”
It is critical to be able to communicate your Unique Selling Proposition in a succinct sentence, and it’s one of the foundational steps in building who you are as THE Authority in your local market.
So what’s your USP? Write it down.
One of the reasons it’s so important to have a USP is so that it makes it easy for somebody else to describe you to others.
If you can articulate what makes you unique, then your clients will be able to share that message with their friends, family and colleagues. This means more referrals for you.
If you want assistance crafting your hero story and narrative, call or text us at 267 – 491 – 7678.
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