How To Get More Referrals Faster

Referrals, also known as endorsed introductions, are like oxygen for any vending company.

Let’s talk about the Psychology of Referrals for a moment.

The people who know you, like you and trust you are having conversations every day.

Get More Referrals

Your current clients are speaking with their friends, family and colleagues each day about various concerns and issues that may require your help.

There are three things that need to happen for someone to refer you:

  • They have to NOTICE that the conversation is about energizing their workforce or tangentially related to vending or coffee service in some way.
  • They have to THINK of you.
  • They have to INTRODUCE you into the conversation…without being all “salesy” and promotional.

Today all of your clients had a conversation that could have turned into a referral for YOU if they had a cool reason…a cool excuse, if you will, to insert YOU and your company into their conversation.

This is where having a book becomes the ultimate strategy to automate and systematize the process of getting more client referrals faster.

Quick two step process…

Step 1: Write a book or have a book written about you.

Writing a book is much easier than it sounds. If you can answer the most Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and the critical Should Ask Questions (SAQs) about your expertise and your company’s solutions, you can write a book. However, easier said than down. If you actively run your company, you probably don’t have time to write a book. The other option is to have a book written about you.

Step 2: Send your book to all your prospects and clients (past and present).

Why? Your book will raise your client’s status among their friends, family and colleagues.

Your book becomes the Psychological Trust Trigger that gives your clients another tangible reason to brag about you and your company.

Imagine your clients saying this to their friends, family and colleagues:

“Did you know they wrote a book about our vending company…here take my copy.”

Your client just hands their friends a complimentary copy of your book. Your book does ALL the work…

Your book positions you as the #1 trusted expert and authority…the vending CEO they actually wrote THE book about.

Why is psychology critical to generating more referrals? Two words…Social Capital.

Before your client endorses you so you get a new referral, here are the questions that pop into your client’s head:

“How confident am I that this will make me look cool among my peers?”

“How confident am I that this will raise my status among my friends?”

Enhancing your client’s Social Capital is absolutely key to creating a consistent client referral machine…an automated system to generate more new clients.

Your book automatically elevates your client’s “coolness status” among their friends, family and colleagues.

The entire purpose of having a book is to execute on several powerful marketing strategies that help you psychologically influence people to the point where they feel consciously compelled and even subconsciously obligated to tell other people about you and your company.

If you need help generating more referrals, call or text us at 267 – 491 – 7678.

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