Media Training Tips For Vending Company CEOs

When you get interviewed by the news media, it’s critical you are TOTALLY prepared so you can maximize your PR opportunity.

Almost all free publicity is good publicity…if you can get new clients from it.

This is where Media Training comes in…

Practice Media Training Skills

Media Training Tips So You Are Better Prepared For Your Next Interview

If you are PREPARED for your interview, you can attract a boatload of new clients with great PR and free publicity.

Here’s the trick…you need to effectively manage your language when speaking to journalists.

You have to carefully watch what you say and how you say it when facing the TV cameras and talking with anyone from the news media.

Before you ever get on the phone with a journalist or interviewed on TV, you need to carefully craft the following:

  1. Messaging
  2. Compelling Statistics
  3. Client Success Stories
  4. CTA (Call To Action)
  5. Memorable (and Emotional) “Sound Bites” that support your Messaging

TIP #1

First, crystalize all your experience and insight into the two or three most compelling Messages or talking points that you want to communicate to the audience.

FYI – these Messages are NOT about YOU. Your Messages have to succinctly spell out what’s in it for THEM…the viewers, readers and listeners.

For a typical TV appearance, you will have about two to four minutes, which means keep your Messaging short and sweet. Well prepared Messages are vital so you can maximize the Free Publicity and get new clients.

TIP #2

Next, sprinkle in some Compelling Statistics so you can grab the audience’s attention and they can remember how important you and your Messages really are.

TIP #3

Preparing two to three client success stories will support your claims and back up your expert authority. In addition, getting your clients that “go on the record” with the journalist will add real life/human interest to the news story.

Here’s the challenge: If you do not have these “on the record” client success stories, the journalist will likely find another vending company who does. Therefore, you risk losing being featured or even quoted in the article or story.

TIP #4

A highly effective CTA (Call To Action) for just about any media interview is to offer a complimentary PDF or your book to the audience/readers.

This PDF can be a special report, smart decision guide or cheat sheet that consumers can download for free from your website or landing page when they opt-in with their email address or mobile phone.

ALERT: The people who opt-in to get your free PDF are warm prospective leads that need to be nurtured via a drip email/sms text campaign so you can convert them into actual clients…when they are ready to hire you or “buy” your vending and coffee service solutions.

TIP #5

Don’t forget to add an emotional and memorable sound bite or two that connects with the audience, “hits home” and attracts people to you: the CEO of the most trusted vending company in your area.

TIP #6

Always use strong, powerful and conclusive language that clearly defines you as THE Authority.

Never EVER Say: “I think.”

Saying I think is way too “wishy washy.”

You are THE leading authority.

Prospective clients seek guidance from the Trusted Authority. They want answers and they want solutions.

Perhaps you are the vending CEO who they wrote a book about. Then, you clearly have the answers to their questions.

Again, DO NOT SAY THIS: “I think…”


“Here is what we know…”

“The evidence tells us…”

“The evidence shows us…”

“The scientific studies have shown us…”

“The scientific studies have revealed to us…”

“We have been in business for more than 10, 20, 30 years, and I see this every day with our clients…”

“I believe…”

“We believe…”

Remember, perception equals reality. During your next media interview, powerful language will help you be perceived as the expert authority you really are.

If you need help getting prepared for interviews with the news media, call or text us at 267 – 491 – 7678.

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