The News Media And Publishing Brand Designed To Help You Find And Select The Most Trusted Vending Companies

If you own a successful vending company, we want to write a book about you.

Imagine speaking with a prospective client and at the end of your consultation, you give them an autographed copy of your book.

Whether the prospective client reads your book or not…in that prospect’s mind, you are positioned as the trusted #1 expert in your market.

If you own or manage a successful vending company, we will publish your books so you can educate more prospects, help more clients and attract bigger locations.

Apply Now To Join The Waiting List To Get Profiled In Your Own Book
Apply Now To Join The Waiting List To Get Profiled In Your Own Book

Leverage Amazon

If you qualify, we will publish books about you and your vending company on and Barnes & Noble so you gain immediate trust in the eyes of your prospective clients. Also, you can use Amazon Prime to deliver your books to prospects and clients for free. Keep in mind Amazon packages have 99% deliverability and open rates.

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Dominate Google

When prospects search your name, we will optimize your books so you can dominate Google’s page one results by leveraging the domain name authority of Don’t let Yelp and other review sites have the final say in controlling your reputation.

Apply Now To Join The Waiting List To Get Profiled In Your Own Book

Let’s face it…writing a book or having a book written about you is the ultimate symbol of authority in our culture.

Are you too busy to write a book because you are managing your vending company and providing exceptional service for your clients?  We have the solution.

Assuming you qualify to be profiled on the cover after we interview you during the application process, we will then publish a book about you and your vending company.

Apply Now To Join The Waiting List To Get Profiled In Your Own Book

News + Company Profiles + Insight + Opinions


Are you one of the Most Trusted Vending Companies in America?

Do you qualify to be featured in the book featuring the 100 Most Trusted Vending Companies™ in America?

Apply Now To Join The Waiting List

Apply Now To Join The Waiting List To Get Profiled In Your Very Own Book

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Tell Your Story

Do you have unique stories about your approach to customer service and your clients’ successful experiences that need to be shared with the world?

Are reporters from newspapers, magazines, TV and online media outlets consistently interviewing you and featuring your company?

Is your vending company often overlooked by the media?  Do you sometimes feel like you and your company are “invisible” to the news media?

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Books Equal Power

Books can change the world for good or bad. The Bible. The Communist Manifesto.

What were the books that changed your life? Too many to count, right?

Imagine how many people your book can touch…think about how your book can be the seed that helps your prospective clients select the most trusted and dependable vending company in their area.

Meet Our Team

Establishing TRUST is the number one factor in converting a prospect into a client.

Your book will be the Psychological Trust Trigger that helps prospective clients believe every word you say.

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Get More Referrals…

Imagine your clients saying this to their friends, family and colleagues: “Did you know they wrote a book about our vending company…here take my copy.”

Since you are the CEO of a vending company, you already have a healthy measure of authority. Here’s the problem: Every vending CEO is viewed as an authority. And if everyone is an authority, then NO ONE is an authority.

When your prospective clients view every vending company on the same level when considering workplace refreshment solutions, your advantage is lost. You need to become the “recognized” expert to avoid being the “invisible” expert.

Give 100 prospective clients the choice between two vending companies and tell them that their pricing, experience and track records are more or less the same. However, a book was written about Vending Company A.

Who is going to get the most clients? The prospective clients don’t even have to read the book. The vending company profiled in the book featured on Amazon, Google and Barnes & Noble, by implication, is going to have more credibility, more authority and ultimately more client locations with larger facilities and more employees.

Design Philosophy

Our books are designed to feel like your clients’ favorite magazines.

Easy to read. Beautiful photography. Stunning aesthetics. In depth interviews. Powerful storytelling. Part Book and Part Magazine.

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